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baby naming ceremonies BrisbaneA Naming Ceremony is a wonderful and memorable way to celebrate the arrival of your baby in a non religious way.   You can express your hopes and dreams for your child’s future publicly with a warm and heartfelt ceremony which I can tailor to suit your families requirements. 

Afterwards I will present you with a Naming Certificate which makes for a lovely keepsake of the day.

A typical baby naming ceremony would consist of an introduction and welcome to the guests, a reading, a Godparent commitment, the Giving of the Name, another reading, the Final Declaration and the signing of the certification.

You might like to use music and candles which I can incorporate into the baby naming ceremony.  I can do the readings or you might prefer family.  I can also adapt the ceremony for single parent families.


renewal of vows

The Renewal of Vows or as also referred to, a Re-Affirmation Ceremony is one of the most popular ceremonies that I perform.  Due to the history of the couple and quite often, children involved, it is extremely important to reflect the journey that the couple has travelled.

In deciding on such a ceremony, it is important to take into account the history of the relationship and to include your hopes for the future as a couple and as a family.

Some couples prefer to reaffirm the vows from their original ceremony while others decide on new vows to celebrate who they are today. 

I can structure the ceremony to suit your taste and style and find that renewal ceremonies are a wonderful way to show your continued commitment to each other as well as family and friends.

The ceremony can include a certificate which can be signed by two witnesses and unlike a legal marriage, the witnesses can be of any age, even your children, which makes for a lovely touch.

Contact me today to
arrange an obligation-free meeting to explain the processes involved.

commitment ceremonies
Commitment ceremonies have become very popular over the last few years and are one of my most requested ceremonies.  The ceremony can be designed to suit you and can be as formal or as relaxed as you would like.  The wonderful thing about a Commitment ceremony is there are no rules so you can include religious elements, poetry or maybe a much loved song.

I have found that people usually like to follow a similar format in their ceremony which begins with a Welcome, which is usually performed by the celebrant and  which consists of a few words about the couple and their relationship.  Next comes the declaration by the couple of their intent to their commitment to each other and maybe a few words about how special the relationship is.

Music usually plays a major part in the Commitment ceremony and you might like to include poetry, quotes or personal writing.  I am happy to help with suggestions.

Some couples like to exchange rings but this is completely up to you and your partner.  Please contact me today for an obligation free meeting to discuss your needs.


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Brisbane wedding celebrant :  Cryna Hills Ceremonies

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